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Friday, April 4, 2008 


AIDS stands for Acquired Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome. This disease is caused by the HIV virus that kills the immune system of the human body and damages the brain badly. This is an incurable disease that haunts the world, especially the sub continents of Asia and Africa.

The HIV virus (Human Immuno-Deficiency Virus) reduces the ability of our body to fight diseases to zero. This implies, if this virus causes the disease AIDS, then the body looses the capability to fight any disease, no matter how small-an-illness it might be. Sometimes, such small illnesses can also attribute to the persons death.

AIDS is basically made up of three words - acquired, immuno-deficiency and syndrome. Acquired means that this disease is not caused due to any deficiency in the body like others. It is only 'contracted' through external agents. Usually, it is contracted if there is direct contact of body fluid with the affected person.

Immuno-Deficiency means that this disease renders the human immune system inactive or ineffective. In a way, it can be said that the human body becomes deficient of its immune system altogether once this virus resides in the body.

Syndrome medically means a group of illnesses that cause a problem. AIDS is precisely that!

Our human body is so 'programmed' or 'trained' that any infection or unwanted cells cause the production of 'anti-bodies' in our body. They are precisely the security system of the human body. HIV prevents such protection.

It is a common fad among people that they can contract AIDS by any of the ways they are aware of, but the fact is that one can never get affected by AIDS directly. Usually, it is the HIV virus that reduces and kills the body immune system, and it is a gradual process through which one can acquire AIDS.

There are no physical symptoms for this. You will not get any indications like temperature, cough, cold, body-ache etc. It is something that can be confirmed only if the virus is detected in the body through medical (pathological) tests.

Unfortunately, till date, there is no cure for AIDS. However, there are medications available that can slow down the damage HIV does to your body and hence delay the AIDS. But there is still no way to stop its growth completely in the body.

This is as serious as it sounds, and proper precautions should be taken to be away from it, and be safe.

Read more articles about Health related topics at http://www.HealthMantra.net

Tarang Bhargava is the CEO of Vexat Inc. and has an affiliate marketing experience of six years. The website http://www.earncashonline.in is Affiliate Marketing invitation that provides an opportunity to Indians to make money through internet using his experience.

Read articles by him at http://www.ArticlesDirectory.in
